About Us

The Story Behind Of Our Movement
PETMAT z.ú. was founded by Kateřina Nováková and Šimon Prokop in 2016 in order to support the research of the plastic problem of the world. The NGO is supported by CTU Prague, private organizations and volunteers. Public awareness projects as well as innovative recycling solutions of plastic into filament for 3D printers are being developed together with the support of education system in implementation of the the newly developed strategies into teaching. Today, PETMAT focuses on research and innovation projects in implementing recycled and reused plastic into daily life.
- Education
- projects
- Recyclation
- Innovation
Our Key Priorities
Research, education, knowledge, responsibility and patience should be the motor for solving the plastic problem on the world. PET is genious
Reusing plastic material
Plastic is an invention, which helps us living. We treat it as precious material and reserach its recycling in architecture and design.
Saving planet
We believe, that we can help saving our environment by recycling our own waste into new products.
Effective recycle
We cooperate with local producents of recycled material. We aim at minimising the carbon footprint.
We Take Action. To Make Better Changes
We regularly take part on public events and share knowledge about recycling and sorting garbage among the nation. We go out with our reserach, show the processes and results of our work. We motivate public to be socially responsible about treating their plastic waste.And we love to give everyone the opportunity to take part in all the processes: research, design and production.

Our Team
Our team consists of the director, his assistant and the team members.
Students are welcome to join our team at any time, we collaborate with our mother university: The Faculty of Architecture CTU Prague. We accept intershippers from schools from abroad: Thesaloniki, Greece, Angers, France, Istambul, Turkey and others.
Kateřina Nováková
Founder PETMAT