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Promo projects

We can design and produce customized objects from recycled polyethylen tereftalate. We use the technology of 3D printing in order to deliver limited series of beautiful, useful and precise  objects on request.



Projekt Prvok je 3D tištěná obytná socha firmy Scoolpt vyrobená z prefabrikované kompozitní směsi Master Builder Solution a ze dřeva. Socha je umístěna na pontonu a zdobí ji zelená střecha a fasáda. Objekt slouží též jako expozice různých forem 3D tisku: Baterie od firmy Grohe tištěná z kovu, Reproduktory tištěné z písku od firmy Deeptime a zásuvky, věšák a další funkční prvky tištěné PETMATem z.ú. z recyklátu PET od společnosti EKO MB.


PET(X) is an object manufactured for the event TEDxPrague 2017 Brave New World. It is composed of 320 PETbricks filled with red stripes cut from the used PET bottles. 20 m of red LED stripes make the X shine from the inside. The X was a stage decoration as a symbol of the event for the whole day and moved to the afterparty space afterwards. It will be used for the next TEDx events in the future as well.


In cooperation with the Museum of Jindřichův Hradec an angel made of bottles is planned for Advent this year 2016 within an event called JINoHRÁtky.

 PETAngel at night – our vision and reality. The wings had to be smaller because of the wind force and the body appeared to be bigger in diameter because we had 13 schools taking part in the project, and everybody made it! Here is the time-lapse video from the construction: PETAnděl.

The lights in the PETAngel were interactive. High tones made him shine rosa and red, whereas low tones went into blue and green.

Schools in Jindřichův Hradec are mounting panels for the Angels body. There are 13 institutions and a Museum taking part in the project. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth basic school in Jindřichův Hradec, Plavsko, Popelín, Strmilov and Lodhéřov basic schools. Two kindergartens: 2nd Kindergarten and MŠ Strmilov dragon kindergarten plus one high school: OA Komenského.












PET(s)culpt je jedinečný projekt s cílem společnými silami postavit 3D-tištěnou sochu z recyklovaného PET materiálu. Je zároveň výzvou k používání recyklovaných materiálů v 3D tisku a také experimentem hledajícím limity těchto materiálů.


PET(s)culpt is an unique project aiming to collaboratively create a 3D-printed statue made of recycled PET material from used plastic bottles. It’s a call for using recycled materials more in the field of 3D printing and also an experiment trying to determine limits of such material.

V nedávné době se firmě b-PET podařilo vyrobit recyklovaný PET filament s podílem 100 % PETu z již použitých lahví. PETMAT z tohoto materiálu vytiskl 1m vysokou sochu a ověřil, že se správným nastavením tiskárny funguje velmi dobře. Tentokrát máme konkrétnější zadání a to sochu anděla pro budoucí betlém v městě Jindřichův Hradec. Bude umístěn na kašně na Masarykově náměstí a podle všeho půjde o největší 3D tištěnou sochu z recyklovaného materiálu.
A to jsme ještě neřekli, že to bude socha kinetická! Náš umělec Dominik Císař ji navrhl tak, že se každá část sochy umí otáčet okolo jedné ze tří os a výsledný pohled je tak z každého pohledu jiná v každičký moment.

Recently a company b-PET succeded in creating filament out of 100% recycled PET from post-consumer plastic bottles. PETMAT has already printed 1 meter high statue from it and confirmed, that with the right settings the filament is performing splendidly. This time we a have more specific task at hand. We will create the first statue for a future Betlehem display in the city of Jindřichův Hradec. It will be placed on Masarykovo square and it will presumably be world’s greatest 3D printed statue from recycled PET.
To top it all, the statue will be kinetic! Our artist Dominik Císař designed it so that each piece is able to rotate around one of three axes rendering the statue different from every angle at every moment!


Photos by Nathan Beer:


Plastic bottles don’t die!


Anna Seimlová with VeleJiří took part on Pokoje –  the “Rooms 2017” event. Their idea was to show the life of PET bottle together with bringing up the vision of plastic people of the future. The plastic is infiltrating into living creatures’ bodies so that in the future, we might all look plastic. The comic story documents the proper journey of the plastic bottle from its birth in the plant to its rebirth in recycling factory. The two sculptures were a man on the toilet and a woman in the shower. Enlightened by LED lights they looked very nice and the material almost precious – which it actually is. PETMAT was assisting them with the lights, pieces of plastic furniture from the plastic peoples’ home and the transportation.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


The project of PETree was started by PET-MAT (Nováková – Prokop) and Experimental studio Achten-Nováková at Fa CTU Prague with support of KMV a.s. It is a pilot project of an experimental construction made by selfbearing PET-bottle structure in form of a 5 meters tall christmas tree. The structure is hollow and works as an exhibition room in order to mediate information on the facts about reusable waste, focused on plastic garbage, represented by PET bottles. The tree has the aim to show the value of plastic PET garbage and its unbelievable quantity, which depends on consumers: all of us. The tree consists of 12 thousand 1,5l PET bottles, connected by wireframe and ropes. One Primary school and twelve highschools from Prague, Mladá Boleslav, Kolín, Slaný and Sedlčany took part on collection and they were also building a construction panel with decoration. The tree is enlightened at night with interesting lightshow delivered by IIM CVUT Prague. The PETree exhibition is open daily from 9 AM to 10 PM.

Project of developing a christmas tree made of PET bottles started in July/October 2015. Its development is described here in the form of Blog. It is in english because of internationality of the Team. The project is still running in the Experimental studio Achten – Nováková, ATV 15116, FA, CVUT, Praha. Now It´s done!

The project of developing the PET bottle christmas tree was defended at KMV (Mattoni). Alessandro Pasquale, the director of the company, seemed to like it very much and agreed on financing the project. Hurray! This means several conditions were decided to hold up to. The project must be held like a studio at Faculty of architecture and students must take part on it. Also school children from Czech republic should take part on building the tree by assembling panels. This means that the structure of the tree must take in account the trees feasibility by letting schoolchildren constructing the parts. The tree should be hollow and the cave inside should serve as a “room” for exhibition. The project targets the problem of plastics and its recycling. Also the idea is to pioneer the process of construction of an easy PETree, which could that be adopted by any other school in any other country.


We are thus opening a 4ECTS Experimental project within experimental studio Achten-Pavlicek, where we invite master students from any university in CR,  who would like to take part in it. Positions: Civil Engineer, Architect, Designer, Master student of Economy, PR specialist:-)


Paralelní svět andělů

Paralelní svět andělů je již druhým projektem sdíleného tisku v ČR  z dílny PETMATu s cílem společnými silami postavit 3D-tištěný roj  soch z recyklovaného PET materiálu. Letos jde o experimentální tisk z nově vyvinutého filamentu, který pochází z Českých posbíraných PETlahví v Česku. Projekt je zároveň výzvou k používání recyklovaných materiálů v 3D tisku obecně a také experimentem hledajícím limity těchto materiálů.


Tiskneme z vlastního recyklovaného filamentu! PETMAT  inicioval výrobu náplně do 3D tiskárny z recyklátu PET  v České republice. Nový filament byl otestován na pilotním projektu tisku mechanické ruky pro VFN Motol. Pro tiskuznalou veřejnost máme letos připravené naskenované sochy od sochaře Michala Trpáka, které budou zavěšeny v rámci JINoHRÁtek nad Panskou ulicí v Jindřichově hradci. Půjde o první veřejné využití nového filamentu z recyklátu PET v 3D tisku v ČR a největší 3D tištěný soubor soch z recyklovaného materiálu.


 Sochař Michal Trpák navrhl celkem 9 soch andělů: 3ženy, 3muže a 3 děti. Na webové stránce crowdprintingu si zájemce může vybrat díl z některé sochy, jakož i celou sochu, která sestává z cca 25ti – 30ti dílků. 


Designérky Kateřina Brůhová a Adriana Kováčová oslovily PETMAT a vyzvaly jej k výrobě součástek své důmyslné stavebnice pro děti. Krásný projekt má ambici být ekologický: dílčí segmenty jsou zhotoveny z eko-materiálů a spojky dřevěných destiček jsou vytištěny z rPET, původem z regranulátu recyklovaných PET lahví Mattoni a dalších výrobců.



Run Czech

Group of PETMAT developed winners steps for Run Czech race organised by Mattoni in Liberec. PET(b)ricks version 2.2 were used in wooden desks. Lights were added.

Around 700 blue PET(b)ricks were used. The light of the installation was white.

Urban Monkey

wireless shining banner

Recycled polyethylen tereftalate and two types of printers were used in production of Urban monkey banner in size of 12x30x35 cm. The enlightment is made with RGB LED light stripe and fed by a powerbank. The advantage is the possibility to charge it during the day and have it shining all night anywhere. The printing time was around 60 hours and many test pieces were printed until satisfactory result.

Crowd printing

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PETMAT z.ú. became part of the security activities against spreading diseases. We started helping schools in South Bohemia to obtain shields. These from our production are made of rPET and rPETg – both recycled polyethylen-tereftalate filaments.

We beileve, that this crisis of Covid 19 generates a huge amount of plastic waste, where single-use plastic security gloves, bags and mouth-covers spoil the environment. Therefore we support the use of shields, which can be aftewards still used in school Laboratories.štíty

In order to follow the project or participate, see tthis link. order to financially support us, send small money to this account: 2114366317/2700 we need to buy material and distribute the products. The project is driven by volunteer printers. You can also support them by small present.



Do soutěže se přihlásili studenti se 7 návrhy, přičemž jeden z nich byl variací na původní návrh a pětičlenná porota (viz níže) to také tak pochopila. V soutěži vybrala k realizaci návrh jménem Kaleidoscope od Ekin Ünlü z Technické univerzity v Turecku, který zaujal svým tvarem a interaktivitou. O pouhý jeden bod skončil druhý v pořadí návrh vietnamského studenta jménem Cuong Dovan nazvaný Hexaball, který upoutal zajímavým dělením na povrchu koule a také variacemi na dané téma spolu se světelnou show. Návrh s tématem Zeměkoule a její propojenosti v digitálním světě od Martina Králíka z VUT Brno skončil na třetím místě následován Datovou továrnou od Kláry Peškové a Marie Šrámové připomínající variabilní dětskou stavebnici. Na pátém místě se umístil návrh Digitální továrny z trub a rour od Arthura Sagrandi a šestý poslední model od téhož autora, který opravdu připomíná továrnu. Všem studentům, kteří se do soutěže s těžkým tématem zapojili, gratulujeme a děkujeme za účast!



Education projects

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In WS 2016/2017 the topic for the experimental studio was to make an exhibition on the problem of plastic bottles and the architectural solutions to it. We decided to create a route through an exposition, where the visitor should proceed from “bottle to brick.” There were 31 students in the studio , who formed 9 groups according to the topic of their installation. The exhibition took place in the gallery Nativ at Prague Břevnov in January from 3rd to 13th.

Research projects

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Hymn to Additive manufacturing

A statue by Maria PETsani pays tribute to additive manufacturing.  (Additive manufacturing – AM – reffers to processes used to create a three-dimensional object in which the layers of material are formed under computer control.)


“A new age of architecture has already begun. The role of an architect and the designing process are different. The architect is no more a sovereign authority,  thus the design emerges from a collaboration of the architect and all the designing tools used.”


Minirecyklátor PET(f)act

There is immense amount of unused plastic waste on the planet and our team comes with the idea of recycling it at the place, where it is born: in the institutions, schools, companies. Our prototype should be installed in the technical museum of Brno and in Betlémská chapel  in Prague, where all the processes are to be observed. This machine will perform circular economy in practice and produce instantly a new product from waste. To find more about the project you can find under Recyklator web page.

Participants will find a lot of information in the interctive screens. Not only can they observe the processes of recycling but also gaining the knowledge about energy efficiency, water consumption and CO2 footprint will be provided. 


PETMAT started designing easy and fast bulb covers for the lamps. We are using 100% recycled green PET and recycled PETg. Some of the designs were made by Pavel Sýs, some of them by our students from FA CTU Prague. The structures are printed either with vase system or traditionally. The advantage of the vase is its speed and transparency, because the object has only one layer of the material.












Mostick is a structural element built from PET bottles of almost any shape. Bottles are connected with “sleeves” made from the same bottle with the top and bottom cut out.


PETMAT is running a pilot project with MOTOL hospital, where 3D printed arm is prototyped, which holds the Alexa device. This enables immobile patients to communicate and serve oneself easy tasks. “Our” recycled PET filament is used in order to 3D print the parts of Velexa in practice.

Authors: Jiří Vele<strong, Šimon Prokop

Plastic waste collector project

The Litter Trap project named “Sharkcollector” is a project that have for first purpose to stop and catch pollutions in rivers. 

This attractive and automatic boat is adapted to any type of environment and have a respect for the nature and the ecosystem. It is build with recycled materials and is made of renewable energies.

  • Use of Recycled Materials

– Blue container as a float

– Print some piece in 3D with 3d-printer and recycled filament

  • Use of Renewable energies

– Solar panels or wind
– To power the motors / batteries
– To power the different equipment inside the “Sharkollector”

Here are some captioned sketches and images of this project.




Petrbrick is a research project led with CTU Prague and Mattoni.



First trial blow-moulding in KRONES. We are pleased withe results: we wanted the company to do undoable, and they did it: Our first prototype is here! The results were unacceptable for the food industry, but they were well enough for us. It was holding together! We are starting the first tests.

Model of the brick from styrene (Plastspol). We compare this with the model that is 3D printed using PLA/ABS.

From sketches we reached the stadium of models soon. The first sketches came into existence in summer 2014. There were several months of sketching and discussions. The team PET-MAT had originally only five members: 3 designers of the bottle and two additional people for handling the finance and science research.


Coffee Still Life at DEPO2015

PETMAT Installation at My Plasticland (Má Plast) at “DEPO2015” in Pilsen October 2016 till February 2017.




Book world 2016

Svět knihy  – The Book world is a four day festival of reading, where CTU Prague have their pavilion. We supplied the pavilion with the reception desk and two seats from the EXPO.




Book world 2017

PETMAT participated on the book world 2017 with a reception desk for CTU Publishers. This time it was a design by Anna Seimlová from FA CTU Prague, a former student of Experimental design studio Achten/Nováková. Electricity and computing was done by Jan Jedlička, also a student from CTU, FEL.

The development of the reception desk took two months. There was a 3D model of the volume, but the lights were tested in reality after the desk was built.

Book world 2018

The counter desk for the CTU publishers was constructed out of Pet(b)ricks again. This time it was designed by Lucia Cypriánová and constructed by the whole PETMAT members: Adam, Jiří, Šimon, Kac, Nathan and Jedle. It is equipped with number of LED lights and programmed to perform a crossword. The product will remain at CTU publishers and will be permanently exhibited in the CTU Shop at NTK.




Experimental Studio Achten/Nováková (ČVUT),  seminář Ambient Architektura (UK) together with PET-MAT (ČVUT/Mattoni) accepted the task to provide an Event Studentská Noc level 3 with installation.  This is the list of projects that should be done:

  • decoration of 3 corridors
  • 3+ tables
  • DJ pult
  • Stage
  • 3 Bars
  • chandelier


There are  9 groups of students in the PET(b)ar studio with 4 assistants working on the projects. External forces ware called from IIM Fel and Fsv. This project also runs in cooperation with students from SNM UK.

Gaudeamus : PETMAT installation in Brno

PETMAT delivered tables on an installation in BRNO, where it represented research on the CTU Prague.

Two Lucías tables and 3 PET(ch)airs were used in the installation for 5 days.










Další ze světelných objektů z PET(b)ricků. Tentokrát pro nadační fond Křídlení.

AOB Reception Desk

This is a design of a reception desk in multi-functional office building on the crossroads of Argentinská street and Plynární street. The desk is made of PET(b)ricks, recycled plastic bottles. These are taking the advantage of being enlightened and coloured by the light. The strings and the letters are holding the bricks in position from outside, nevertheless, PET(b)ricks are mounted into a flat 3mm foil with their caps. First images of the reality are here!





PET(m)use je projekt, který spojuje hudebníky a architekty do jednoho experimentálního tvůrčího týmu. Společně vytvářejí multimediální koncert, který s důrazem na hudebnost a abstrakci spojuje zvukové i vizuální prvky. Hudba v podání ženského vokálního souboru a ve spojení s barevnou proměnlivou scénou vytvořenou ze speciálních PET lahví vytváří jedinečný celek na pomezí hudby, divadla a multimediálních umění.


PET(m)use is a project that connects musicians and architects within one experimental artistic team. Together they create a multimedia concert, which connects sound and visual elements in an abstract and musical way. Music performed by a female vocal ensemble in connection with a colourful set design made of plastic bottles create a unique work, whose form lays between music, theatre, and multimedia art.













Prožij Kubismus

Byli jsme pozváni na akci Prožij Kubismus, protože KOSTKY ŽIJOU! Vedlejším životem našich světelných kostiček z PET(m)use vás provede série fotografií z akce…








 Návštěvníci obdivují PETOTEM

Our installation PETMAT designed by Simon Kern was chosen for the Light festival in Pilsen called BLIK BLIK. The festival was running for two days from 17th to 18th of March 2017 in the centre of Pilsen. Visitors were led from the main square to Pilsener close surroundings, parks and the brewery. 15 installation were attracting attention of pedestrians. There were more than 40.000 visitors at the event. PETOTEM was made really in cooperation of the author of the design, PETMAT guys and DEPO2015. Material “bottle” support was brought by Mattoni. The mast was changing light – there was a wave of light running from the base to the sky.


 Návštěvníci obdivují PETOTEM

Our installation PETMAT designed by Simon Kern was chosen for the Light festival in Pilsen called BLIK BLIK. The festival was running for two days from 17th to 18th of March 2017 in the centre of Pilsen. Visitors were led from the main square to Pilsener close surroundings, parks and the brewery. 15 installation were attracting attention of pedestrians. There were more than 40.000 visitors at the event. PETOTEM was made really in cooperation of the author of the design, PETMAT guys and DEPO2015. Material “bottle” support was brought by Mattoni. The mast was changing light – there was a wave of light running from the base to the sky.

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